The Four Stages of Healing
How all human beings grow through 4 stages of HEALING/GROWTH/EVOLUTION
- 1.Awareness: Of the need for change, growth and more enjoyment of life
( This is the level of symptoms that are painful and don’t make sense) This is often when people come to RECEIVE OFT - 2. Confusion: As we awaken and release hidden emotional charges in our body but don’t yet know who the new person is we are becoming (This can be a challenging phase and its why OFT GUIDES have been trained in how to support and validate this stage)
- 3. Breakthrough: As new energy and experiences flows into our life, body and mind. Energy that was once used to keep trauma hidden from conscious awareness is now available for more enjoyment of life.
- 4. Integration: As we ground the new being we have become into our daily experience
(This 4th phase also is challenging, because friends, family and society may resist the new being you have become and will often relate to you as your energetic old self that is no longer present.
- 1.Awareness: Of the need for change, growth and more enjoyment of life
“It’s so wonderful to see that what you are doing really has an impact on the person in front of you – and not in days, weeks or months, but immediately!
After running from one class to another, from one school to another, I had the joy to discover that I don’t need any special instrument to help myself or to be there for someone else and experience their transformation.
And to think that I had all along everything I ever needed: the listening touch and the respiration/breath! “Ana-Maria Clopovschi Bucharest
Receive OFT
Consult with Andrew Kenneth Fretwell
“Learning OFT therapy has exceeded my expectations, I have read many beautiful things, and I have heard from friends that the effects are brilliant, but I would not expect it to be so easy … It was incredible, I left transfigured, transformed, I’m still in the process It’s like a gate has opened up in me … like more levels of consciousness are opening one at a time …
The course is very well worked, very well done, accent was on demonstrations and on practice and theory, perfectly balanced . The healing atmosphere was absolutely brilliant, gentle and welcoming, helped me a lot to relax.
I felt really renewed and received in the group, some things I never lived before! There were feelings I recognized instinctively, but I do not remember having ever lived like that … I felt like a child, protected and in perfect safety, loved above words …. A kind of unconditional love surrounded us all in the room and I felt accepted with everything I am, as I am … no matter how hard my burden was.
Meditation was also included with Andrew guiding and was unexpectedly strong … I entered the cells of my body and I began to feel each particle in a totally spontaneous way. I am very excited to give this experience to others! I have already told my friends and I want to practice as much as possible. I feel a lot of gratitude for Andrew who has created a simple system to convey this wonderful teaching.”Mihaela Raduta Bucharest