OFT Level 2: Touching the Essence of You
As healers or therapists we can learn how to create the conditions for extraordinary and lasting healing in the NOW.
During this 2 day intensive hands on training Andrew will share his experience of over 30 years in creating those conditions. If you integrate and trust these unchanging principles in your own life, you will be a force for change and evolution through your touch, words and being.
The below experience is just one example of what can happen when you create the right conditions for lasting healing.
“During the OFT session, I was held in a space of safety in which I could process the most traumatizing experience of my life and literally feel it in my body. All the suffering was hidden there and during the OFT session I could let it go. With support I stepped into a place that allowed me to relive the pain of that moment, without pity, without judgement, the OFT guide just was there for me and after that my body knew what to do. Days after the session, I could still feel the work of integration that my body is doing and the energy that was released. Thank you, for the most amazing experience and for just being there for me! Roxana Staniloaie: Bucharest Romania
What you will learn & experience during the 2 day intensive training.
- 3 hours of review and practice of OFT Level 1
- Opening the central channel and how to transition to the abdomen for the OFT Essence Touch.
- 5 Phase/Element theory and application
- The 6 Conditions for lasting healing in the NOW.
1. Earth: Safety so we can quite the mind.
2. Wood: Quite the mind so we can feel fully ( We cannot think and feel at same time its impossible)
3 Metal: Permission to feel fully and validate what we feel.
4 Fire: Raise the level of our feelings to the sacred, NO MORE DENIAL
5. Water: Transformation by the surge of energy from the breaking down of denial
6 Earth: Integration, through accepting the changes.
( My thanks to Gilles Marin of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute in California for sharing these principles through his writings.)
The above conditions are supported by these Essence Touch applications on the abdomen - Create safety through unconditional touch: No Harm, No Shame, No Guilt, No Blame.
- Relaxing the Liver so the life force flows freely in the body and the rational mind can let go. ( No rational need to know why or what)
- Enhance breathing and get in touch with hidden feelings by opening the 4 corners of the Large Intestine
- Releasing the diaphragm and pelvic floor.
- Releasing and opening the Spleen.
- Opening and detoxifying the body through the navel and small intestine
- How to support and guide people through difficult feelings.
- Emotional Anatomy from the Taoist Inner Alchemy approach
Inner Alchemy Practices taught to strengthen and ground your energy body so you can be more effective in OFT. - 5 Element Chanting
- Deep Earth Pulsing
- 9 Cosmic Spirals
- Bone Breathing Mediation to enhance relaxation and the recharge of the water element in our body.